Thursday, February 18, 2010

Headlines and thoughts

So today I read here that since 1960 in America, the average waistline has increased seven inches in women and four inches in men. The article contends that airlines should make their seats bigger to accomodate fatter flyers. I'm not so sure about this... then again, haven't we all flown next to some massive slob who absorbed the armrest and dropped crumbs all over us?

The same site has an amazing story, recounted by the embedded journalist who lived through it, of a firefight in Ganjgal, Afghanistan, which wounded several US and Afghan troops. It's a great story and gives you a much greater appreciation for our soldiers and a better picture of what they go through on a daily basis to protect our freedoms.

Quote of the week: an ESPN blogger says, "Pairs figure skating is only sport in the world where participants are rewarded for dressing like Elton John." To say nothing of those colorful curling pants...

Did anyone else watch any of the Daytona 500, or were you all too engrossed in the requisite Valentine's Day chick flicks? I'm not a NASCAR guy, but I admit that the whole pothole fiasco got me curious. It's the Daytona 500...NASCAR's biggest race, on its biggest stage, with weeks to prepare, and they get a pothole so bad that the race is stopped for over an hour so it can be fixed, only to get bad again and require a second fixing. Then a bunch of the cars ended up in even worse shape. In other words... there was just enough action to keep me interested. Of course, I was my fiancee's house, and with only two laps to go, that aforementioned chick flick went in and I missed the end. Oh, well...

Right about now, the Buffalo Bills have got to be wondering what it will take to build an offensive line and actually keep it together. After suffering decimating injuries to the O-line all season, to the point where they were signing guys off the street, they figured they could draft a couple guys this offseason, sign some free agents, and let their young line from last year get healthy. But...surprise! Twenty-six-year-old starting right tackle Brad Butler has announced he's retiring from football. Says Butler: "My passion for education, country and community is something that I am ready to devote my full attention to. I believe the best way to pursue these spheres of interest is to step away from the game of football at this point in my life." I'm no Mel Kiper, but I'd guess this probably means Bills fans can kiss goodbye any chance of drafting a quarterback and start preparing ourselves for yet another first-round offensive lineman. I can't help but be a bit nervous; I still remember Mike Williams.

It has been reported that a massive criminal hacking organization called the ZeuS Compromise has been discovered. Apparently they have built a massive network which has stolen information from an estimated 74,000 computers worldwide. All this, and still nobody can find President Obama's birth certificate?

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