Sunday, August 9, 2009

Quick thoughts on the sports world

1. The Red Sox stole the show at the non-waiver trade deadline...and are still fading fast in the AL East. We all knew they'd unload Adam LaRoche somewhere...but to the Braves for Casey Kotchman? That one left me scratching my head. I guess they're already preparing to jettison Mike Lowell after the season. The person most affected by that deal is, of course, Kevin Youkilis, who played left field--LEFT FIELD--the other night during the Sox' loss to the Yankees. Youkilis had been the team's everyday first baseman after doing some Pujols-esque position-bouncing early in his career, but he now will play first here, third there, outfield every now and then, until next season; then, Lowell will presumably be gone and Youk would move across the diamond full-time to man the hot corner. The team's deadline deal for Victor Martinez, although making the team a heckuva lot better, further complicates things because Martinez will play a lot of first base so that captain Jason Varitek (in the first year of his new deal with Boston) can stay behind the plate.

2. Terrell Owens is completely right in his take on the Cromartie fining in San Diego. For those who live in a cave and missed it, Chargers cornerback Antonio Cromartie whined in a Tweet that the team's training camp food was "nasty." Cromartie was summarily fined NFL pocket change for his comments. T.O. then blasted the ruling, saying that Cromartie should be able to speak his mind, and ya know what--he's right! This is yet another clear case of the No Fun League stepping in to censor players' rights to free speech. Had Cromartie Tweeted that the Commish didn't wash his underpants, I might have understood. But he was stating a fact that didn't hurt anybody...because I bet if you asked the guys mass-producing the food in San Diego, they'd probably say it was nasty, too.

3. I turned on ESPN the other day, and the World Series of Poker was on. How does poker get on ESPN? For that matter, how do NASCAR, pro bowling, and cheerleading get on ESPN? Thank God for the internet.

4. Disc golf is addictive. There, I said it.

5. 49ers first-round pick Michael Crabtree is still unsigned. His cousin spoke out last week, saying that Crabtree is prepared to sit out the season and re-enter the draft. Crabtree's agent, however, said that the cuz's statement is far from accurate and that he's working to get a deal done. Whatever the case here, why is this cousin speaking to the media at all? Whichever story is true, he's either a) making himself look like an idiot, b) giving away details of an NFL team's negotations with a player, which obviously makes neither party happy, or c) all of the above. I vote c).

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